How to configure GIT remotes with FTPS

This document explains how to configure an Redhat 8 Attune node to use FTP with Explicit for version control. This method is a way of using the FTP protocol but in a secure way. When FTP makes a TCP connection, it is encrypted end to end so the data can not be read in transit.


Install openssl

Check to see if OpenSSL is installed on the Attune host:

1dnf list installed openssl

If it is not installed, install it with:

1dnf install openssl

Install GIT

Git only needs to be installed if it is not already, to check if git is installed, run: dnf list installed git

To install git, run:

dnf install git

Install git ftp

GIT_FTP is required for the FTP Transfer. The project can be found here:

To install git_ftp run:

1# as the attune user
2curl > $HOME/bin/git-ftp
3chmod 755 $HOME/bin/git-ftp

This downloads the script and makes it executable in the Attune users binary directory.

Install curl-devel package

The curl-devel package includes the header files and libraries necessary to develop applications that handle HTTP or FTP transactions using the cURL library.

To install the package, run:

1dnf install -y curl-devel

Install openssl-devel package

To install the package, run:

1#as root
2dnf install -y openssl-devel

Build curl v8

git_ftp utilised curl for the ftp transfer. curl Version 8 or greater needs to be installed but this is no always available in RHEL8 repositories. It is important that this version of curl is installed in the users bin directory so that replacing the system version does not cause anything to break.

Install Dev Tools:

1sudo yum groupinstall -y "development tools"

Download curl version 8:

1curl --output bin/curl-8.5.0.tar.gz

Extract the file:

1tar -xvf curl-8.5.0.tar.gz

Change into the directory:

1cd curl-8.5.0

Configure curl

1./configure --with-openssl --prefix=$HOME

Build curl



Ensure that the install path is /home/attune/bin

Install curl

1make install

Add the Attune users bin directory to the PATH.

1cat <<'EOF' >> ~/.bashrc
3# Add Path for GIT FTP
4export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

Source the bashrc file

1source ~/.bashrc

Check that the version is v8

1curl --version


If the version is not v8, you need to check that /home/attune/bin is in the $PATH variable.

Configure the Repository

Configure the git ftp repository settings

In your project repository, run:

1git config git-ftp.user "<username>"
2git config git-ftp.url "<URL>"
3git config git-ftp.password "<password>"


It is not secure to store the users password in plain text. git_ftp can use the -P flag to prompt the users password.


The url must specify explicit TLS like ftpes://<hostname>:<port><path_to_file>.git The path is the relative path from the FTP session root.


Running git init in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there. The primary reason for rerunning git init is to pick up newly added template..

For example:

1git ftp init -P --disable-epsv -v --insecure "ftpes://"
  • -P asks the user to manually enter the password

  • –disable-epsv Disables Extended Passive Mode

  • – insecure Does not check the certificate

How to use Git FTP

To push a file

In your repository, run:

1git ftp push -P --disable-epsv -v --insecure

Git FTP Reference

For a list of git-ftp reference, see: git_ftp reference guide


For troubleshooting instructions, see How to Troubleshoot Git FTP



The Prerequisites for FTPES are:

  • GIT installed.

  • GIT_FTP installed.

  • CURL version 8

  • OpenSSL is installed

  • Curl Devel