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Install and Setup Plex Media Server on Ubuntu/Debian

Exported on 24-Sep-2021 13:04:53

Install Plex Media Server On Ubuntu With AttuneOps

This Blueprint Installs Plex Media Server On A Ubuntu System.

Plex Media Server is a user-friendly way to store all your movies, shows, and other media in one place–and make it accessible from any location through internet.

Plex gives you one place to find and access all the media that matters to you. From personal media on your own server, to free and on-demand Movies & Shows, live TV, podcasts, and web shows, to streaming music, you can enjoy it all in one app, on any device.

Pre-Blueprint Attune setup
  1. On the Inputs tab, a Linux node for the host you wish to install the stack on.
  2. On the Inputs tab, create Linux credentials to connect to the host you wish to install the stack on.
Steps Involved
  • Download Plex Media Server Installer From Official Website
  • Configure And Install Plex


Name Type Script Reference Default Value Comment
Linux Node Linux / Unix Server linuxNode
Linux User Linux OS Credential linuxUser

1 - Download Plex Media Server Installer

Downloads the Plex media server installer in home directory.

v1.23.3 was the latest version on 28th June 2021, change the url to latest version if new releases have been published by Plex.

You can check for updates here:

The connection details have changed from the last step.

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
This is a Bash Script make sure you run it with bash -l from a terminal session

2 - Install Plex Media Server

This starts the installation of the deb package downloaded in the last step.

Once the installation has finished you can visit http://YOUR_IP:32400/web to access the fresh installation of the Plex Media Server.

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
This is a Bash Script make sure you run it with bash -l from a terminal session
sudo dpkg -i  plexmediaserver_1.23.3.4707-ebb5fe9f3_amd64.deb