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Install and Setup VestaCP on CentOS

Exported on 20-Sep-2021 17:01:40

Installs VestaCP Control Panel on Linux Systems.

VestaCP is a simple & clever Hosting Control Panel, It has the fine touch of Softaculous auto installer that is able to install more than 439 apps with one click. Nginx+PHP-FPM and advanced caching are available at basic install.

Pre-Blueprint Attune setup

  1. On the Inputs tab, create a Linux node for the host you wish to install the stack on.
  2. On the Inputs tab, create Linux credentials to connect to the host you wish to install the stack on.

Blueprint Steps

  1. Download the official VestaCP installer.
  2. Install and configure screen package
  3. Launch the VestaCP installer in a background service (screen).


Name Type Script Reference Default Value Comment
server_credential Linux OS Credential server_credential
server_host Linux / Unix Server server_host

1 - Refresh Yum Packages

Refresh APT packages

The connection details have changed from the last step.

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
This is a Bash Script make sure you run it with bash -l from a terminal session
sudo yum -y update

2 - Download VestaCP Installer

Downloads the installer for latest version of VestaCP

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
This is a Bash Script make sure you run it with bash -l from a terminal session
#Downloads official installer
curl -O

#Creates headless installer
echo  'cat "uploads/vst-inputs.txt" | sudo bash' >>

3 - Upload Default Input Values

This file contains values to be entered during installation prompts in following order:

  • Proceed with installation? y
  • Email address?
  • Domain?

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
Deploy archive to remote path uploads
  1. Locate Files archive "", This can be downloaded from Attune
  2. Copy the Files archive to the server
  3. Extract the root of the Files archive to uploads, relative to the home directory
  4. Check that the files are in the correct location

4 - Install Screen Package

Installs Screen Package, Useful for running time-consuming scripts in background.

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
This is a Bash Script make sure you run it with bash -l from a terminal session
sudo yum -y install screen

5 - Configure Screen Installation

Configure screen to allow zombie mode sessions i.e. keep screen terminals alive after the task has completed.

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
This is a Bash Script make sure you run it with bash -l from a terminal session
sudo echo "zombie xy" >> ~/.screenrc

6 - Launch VestaCP Installer

Starts installation of the VestaCP server.

The installation is launched in background and takes about 15 minutes to complete, to see the progress, SSH into the server and run the following command: screen -x

Once the installation has finished, access the VestaCP login panel through: http://YOUR_IP:8083/

Default username and password set by VestaCP can be accessed by running the screen command mentioned above.

Login as user on node

Connect via SSH
ssh user@hostname
This is a Bash Script make sure you run it with bash -l from a terminal session
screen -d -m sudo bash