
IT Automation to Increase Efficiency of Local Government Services Delivery

As local governments face increasing demands amid limited budget constraints, they must devise creative ways to improve and streamline services to their citizens and communities. ...

Easy Automated Database Backups Now

93% of companies that suffer a data center loss or failure for more than ten days file for bankruptcy within a year. If that doesn’t spell trouble yet, let’s get a close look ...

Where Does Node Automation Fit Into The ITIL Process?

ITIL is a fundamental part of any modern IT organization in ensuring IT business strategy aligns with deliverables. ITIL has gone through several revisions, with the latest ...

Why Automate your IT Infrastructure & Builds

To operate and manage enterprise IT environments, organizations need Information Technology infrastructure usually called IT infrastructure. This IT infrastructure is a ...

IT Automation vs. Orchestration: The Differences and Why They Matter

It wasn’t so long ago when a mobile phone could only handle one task at a time. You couldn’t browse the internet and listen to music at the same time. It’s no longer the ...

How Server Automation Helps Digital Enablement Projects

Move fast and break things. It was the motto that Facebook adhered to as it grew from a Harvard dorm to the multinational conglomerate that it is today. Why was the speed of ...

PowerShell Automation: Scripts, Benefits & Access Guide

This is a fast-paced world, and it is rightly said that Time is Money. I would go one step further and would like to say that time is one of the most important crucial assets for ...

Automate Big or Small Tasks: Server Automation

There are hundreds of tasks in our routine work that are repetitive and consume a lot of time. Just imagine getting rid of these tasks completely and utilizing your time in more ...

What is Server Automation? | Tool & Advantages

This article will explore the concept of server automation and how it can transform the functioning of IT departments by improving quality, saving time, and reducing costs. We are ...