How To For Loop Over CSV File Which Contains Spaces
Loops over a comma separated value file that contains spaces. This is perfect for Server Groups in Attune as the server group values are stored as as CSV’s.
1# The following three lines are identical as $IFS=" "
2# if $IFS="," then the line with brackets around it would generate an array
3# which isn't suitable for an input for this example.
4VAR=("Test 1","Test 2","Test 3","Test 4")
5VAR="Test 1","Test 2","Test 3","Test 4"
6VAR="Test 1,Test 2,Test 3,Test 4"
8# Set the field separator to a comma,
9# and echo the variables contents into the stdin of read
10# tell read to produce a variable of type array
11IFS=',' read -ra items <<< $VAR
13# Iterate over the the indexes of the array, not the items
14# This works with for, because for will split on spaces and
15# the indexes don't have spaces in them, eg 1 2 3 4 5
16for index in "${!items[@]}"
18 # Dereference the index of the array,
19 # This way, we get our correct value even if it has spaces in it.
20 echo "Testing CSV for loop: ${items[index]}"
Testing CSV for loop: Test 1
Testing CSV for loop: Test 2
Testing CSV for loop: Test 3
Testing CSV for loop: Test 4
The following example will print the name, IP address, and FQDN for each of the servers in the appServers server group.
1IFS=',' read -ra ip <<< "{appServers.serverIps}"
2IFS=',' read -ra fqn <<< "{appServers.serverFqns}"
3IFS=',' read -ra name <<< "{appServers.serverNames}"
5for i in "${!ip[@]}"
7 echo ${name[$i]}
8 echo ${ip[$i]}
9 echo ${fqn[$i]}